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Reliance Orthodontic Products

Reliance Orthodontic Products

Fournitures: 21

Fournitures 21

    1. Assure Plus - All Surface Bonding Resin - REF. PLUS, flacon 6 ml Assure Plus - All Surface Bonding Resin - REF. PLUS, flacon 6 ml

      Assure Plus - All Surface Bonding Resin - REF. PLUS, flacon 6 ml 948998 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - PLUS

    2. Assure Plus Unidose - All Surface Bonding Resin - REF. UAP50, 50x 0,2 ml Assure Plus Unidose - All Surface Bonding Resin - REF. UAP50, 50x 0,2 ml

      Assure Plus Unidose - All Surface Bonding Resin - REF. UAP50, 50x 0,2 ml 1072477 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - UAP50

    3. Bond Aligner - REF. BA, seringue 1,4 g + 5 embouts Bond Aligner - REF. BA, seringue 1,4 g + 5 embouts

      Bond Aligner - REF. BA, seringue 1,4 g + 5 embouts 1072456 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - BA

    4. Bond-a-Braid Lingual Retainer Wire - REF. BAB2, 10 fils de 15,24 cm Bond-a-Braid Lingual Retainer Wire - REF. BAB2, 10 fils de 15,24 cm

      Bond-a-Braid Lingual Retainer Wire - REF. BAB2, 10 fils de 15,24 cm 1072457 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - BAB2

    5. C&C Composite & Chain Attachment with Extrusion Chain - REF. DCCO Base ovale C&C Composite & Chain Attachment with Extrusion Chain - REF. DCCO Base ovale

      C&C Composite & Chain Attachment with Extrusion Chain - REF. DCCO Base ovale 1072458 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - DCCO

    6. C&C Composite & Chain Attachment with Extrusion Chain - REF. DCCP Base ronde C&C Composite & Chain Attachment with Extrusion Chain - REF. DCCP Base ronde

      C&C Composite & Chain Attachment with Extrusion Chain - REF. DCCP Base ronde 1072459 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - DCCP

    7. Fil de retenue Retainium - REF. RET, 10 pcs (6" / 15,24 cm) Fil de retenue Retainium - REF. RET, 10 pcs (6" / 15,24 cm)

      Fil de retenue Retainium - REF. RET, 10 pcs (6" / 15,24 cm) 1087667 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - RET

    8. Flow Tain - REF. FT, seringue 1,5 g + embouts Flow Tain - REF. FT, seringue 1,5 g + embouts

      Flow Tain - REF. FT, seringue 1,5 g + embouts 1072460 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - FT

    9. Flow Tain LV - REF. FTLV, Low Viscosity - seringue 1,5 g + embouts Flow Tain LV - REF. FTLV, Low Viscosity - seringue 1,5 g + embouts

      Flow Tain LV - REF. FTLV, Low Viscosity - seringue 1,5 g + embouts 1072461 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - FTLV

    10. GoTo pâte adhésive en capsules - REF. GTT, 10x 0,4 g GoTo pâte adhésive en capsules - REF. GTT, 10x 0,4 g

      GoTo pâte adhésive en capsules - REF. GTT, 10x 0,4 g 1072463 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - GTT

    11. GoTo pâte adhésive en seringues - REF. GTP, seringue 4 g GoTo pâte adhésive en seringues - REF. GTP, seringue 4 g

      GoTo pâte adhésive en seringues - REF. GTP, seringue 4 g 1072462 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - GTP

    12. L.C.R. Light Curing Retainer - pâte adhésive en capsules - REF. LCRT5, 5 g (11 capsules) L.C.R. Light Curing Retainer - pâte adhésive en capsules - REF. LCRT5, 5 g (11 capsules)

      L.C.R. Light Curing Retainer - pâte adhésive en capsules - REF. LCRT5, 5 g (11 capsules) 1072467 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - LCRT5

    13. L.C.R. Light Curing Retainer - pâte adhésive en seringue - REF. LCR, seringue 5 g L.C.R. Light Curing Retainer - pâte adhésive en seringue - REF. LCR, seringue 5 g

      L.C.R. Light Curing Retainer - pâte adhésive en seringue - REF. LCR, seringue 5 g 1072466 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - LCR

    14. L.E.D. Pro Seal - REF. LEDPRO, flacon 6 ml L.E.D. Pro Seal - REF. LEDPRO, flacon 6 ml

      L.E.D. Pro Seal - REF. LEDPRO, flacon 6 ml 1072468 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - LEDPRO

    15. Ortho FlexTech Retainer Chain (Acier inoxydable) - SSOFT, bobine 76 cm Ortho FlexTech Retainer Chain (Acier inoxydable) - SSOFT, bobine 76 cm

      Ortho FlexTech Retainer Chain (Acier inoxydable) - SSOFT, bobine 76 cm 1072476 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - SSOFT

    16. Ortho FlexTech Retainer Chain (Or blanc) - REF. OFT2, bobine 76 cm Ortho FlexTech Retainer Chain (Or blanc) - REF. OFT2, bobine 76 cm

      Ortho FlexTech Retainer Chain (Or blanc) - REF. OFT2, bobine 76 cm 1072470 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - OFT2

    17. Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint Shade - A2, pot 4 g Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint Shade - A2, pot 4 g

      Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint Shade - A2, pot 4 g 1095023 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - PPA2

      Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint Shade - A3,5, pot 4 g Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint Shade - A3,5, pot 4 g

      Perfect A Smile Pontic Paint Shade - A3,5, pot 4 g 1108319 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - PPA35

    18. Plastic Conditioner - REF. PL, flacon 10 ml Plastic Conditioner - REF. PL, flacon 10 ml

      Plastic Conditioner - REF. PL, flacon 10 ml 1067892 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - PL

    19. Porcelain Conditioner - REF. PO, flacon 8 ml Porcelain Conditioner - REF. PO, flacon 8 ml

      Porcelain Conditioner - REF. PO, flacon 8 ml 1072473 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - PO

    20. Porcelain Etching Agent with Barrier Gel - REF. POE, flacon 9 g et 3 ml de Gel barrière Porcelain Etching Agent with Barrier Gel - REF. POE, flacon 9 g et 3 ml de Gel barrière

      Porcelain Etching Agent with Barrier Gel - REF. POE, flacon 9 g et 3 ml de Gel barrière 1072474 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - POE

    21. Ultra Band-Lok Blue Shade in Push Syringe - Seringue, 5 g (REF. NFUBLBPP) Ultra Band-Lok Blue Shade in Push Syringe - Seringue, 5 g (REF. NFUBLBPP)

      Ultra Band-Lok Blue Shade in Push Syringe - Seringue, 5 g (REF. NFUBLBPP) 1067653 | Reliance Orthodontic Products - NFUBLBPP

    1-21 of 21 Résultats